COVID-19 Business Resources
To meet the increased need for information regarding resources and local efforts on the current Coronavirus (known as COVID-19), we have added this page to our site to provide easy access to the latest information from local governments, agencies, and other entities related to COVID-19. We will continue to update this page with reliable and accurate information as this situation continues.
Workplace Safety & Community Wellness

SCDEW Employer Resource Hub
The SCDEW is encouraging impacted employers to file on behalf of their employees to streamline the process for filing unemployment claims. Employer Filed Claims are more convenient and eliminate the step of an employer having to verify a workerâs claim. An Employer Filed Claim is a way in which workers who have been laid off or whose hours have been reduced, but are still âjob attachedâ to the employer, can potentially receive Unemployment Insurance benefits to provide monetary support. Click here to visit the SCDEW's Employer Resource Hub.

The City of Simpsonville has provided this webpage is a resource for information and updates about Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID - 2019) as it pertains to the City of Simpsonville. Click here to visit the City's page.

Greenville County is working internally and with many public and private organizations to assure that in case of extreme emergency that essential County government services would continue.
County leaders and Greenville County Emergency Management have already met, discussed, and updated the existing Continuity of Operations Plan. This detailed document has contingency plans that ensure performance, protect human and natural resources, identify line of succession, and much more. Procedures and policies have been in place for decades but are consistently being modernized, modified and improved to effectively deal with unique situations.

Guidelines for Workplace Safety & Protection
Measures for protecting workers from exposure to, and infection with, the novel coronavirus, COVID-19 depend on the type of work being performed and exposure risk, including potential for interaction with infectious people and contamination of the work environment. OSHA has created standards and directives (instructions for compliance officers) and other related information that may apply to worker exposure to novel coronavirus, COVID-19. Click here to learn more on the OSHA website.

Guidelines for General Health & Disease Control
The CDC has extensive information on protecting yourself from disease, what to do if you think you are sick, resources for the community, and resources for businesses and employers. Click here to view the full resource page.

State Tax Relief & Temporary Regulation Suspension
As South Carolina responds to the COVID-19 virus, the Department of Revenue remains ready to assist taxpayers. Their website includes information on delayed income tax deadlines, temporary allowances for curbside/drive-thru off-premise beer and wine sales, and more. Click here to visit their site.

Identifying Critical Workforce
Functioning critical infrastructure is imperative during the response to the COVID-19 emergency for both public health and safety as well as community well-being, but it can be difficult to determine who is and who isn't included in this workforce category.
This guidance and accompanying list from CISA are intended to support State, Local, and industry partners in identifying the critical infrastructure sectors and the essential workers needed to maintain the services and functions Americans depend on daily.

Small Business Loan Resources
Health and government officials are working together to maintain the safety, security, and health of the American people. Small businesses are encouraged to do their part to keep their employees, customers, and themselves healthy. Small business owners in all U.S. states and territories are currently eligible to apply for a low-interest loan due to Coronavirus (COVID-19). Click here to apply.

Business Communications Toolkit
The U.S. Chamber has compiled a toolkit with sharable graphics based on the CDCâs latest guidance for businesses and employees. Businesses are encouraged to share these assets on social media, websites, and other channels, and send them to colleagues and employees. The toolkit includes key messages and example posts, downloadable graphics for social media, policy trackers, and more. Explore the toolkit here.

SC Chamber Business Resources
The SC Chamber has compiled a resource page to help guide all SC businesses through various events in these times. Follow their Twitter account below for the most up-to-date information.

Greenville Financial Empowerment Center
Greenville Financial Empowerment Centers is a nonprofit providing free financial counseling. Your counselor can work with you to protect your financial health through these trying times. We are providing services via video conferencing or phone calls as our clients prefer. Visit their website for more information.