Issues & Advocacy

The Simpsonville Area Chamber of Commerce advocates for policies and legislation in an effort to support a business-friendly climate in the Simpsonville area. We accomplish this through:
- Educating business members and public officials regarding policy and legislative issues that impact the Simpsonville business community.
- Providing tools and resources that enable constituents to advocate to their government officials and entities.
- Obtaining feedback from our business members about what they consider to be their legislative priorities.
Candidate Events
The Chamber hosts meet & greet events and forums with candidates running for local offices. These events provide an opportunity to hear candidates’ platforms and ask questions, and are open to member businesses as well as the general public. Keep an eye on our calendar of events in the weeks leading up to election dates.
Are you a candidate? Please refer to our Political Affiliations Policy.

Our Advocacy Partners
Our work in this area is made possible through partnerships with our peers across the state and nation.

Upstate Chamber Coalition
Representing 12 chambers, 8,000 member-businesses and more than 300,000 employees across the 10-county Upstate area, the Upstate Chamber Coalition serves as the voice of Upstate business concerns, dedicated to improving the region's business climate by advocating for business-friendly legislation, developing solutions to address business concerns and working with area elected officials. The Coalition employs two government relations professionals in Columbia who work closely with the General Assembly. They are focused on creating jobs, raising per capita income, and improving our region’s incredible quality of life.
Learn the Issues: 2022 Legislative Agenda
South Carolina Chamber of Commerce
The South Carolina Chamber of Commerce is a statewide organization that promotes pro-job and pro-business policies at the state and federal level. The SC Chamber brings together businesses from across the state through coordinated strategies, training opportunities, and networking events. With a unified voice, we can make the biggest impact.
Every day you run your business and every day policymakers at the Statehouse make decisions that impact it. The South Carolina Chamber of Commerce is a recognized and respected voice at the Statehouse. With thousands of members representing every major industry sector, the Chamber’s diverse business policy initiatives converge upon one goal: a vibrant South Carolina economy. Ensuring that business has a voice in the legislative process, they work with local business leaders to identify critical issues, at the table as legislation is drafted, and in the halls of the Statehouse as bills are debated.
Learn the Issues: 2022 Competitiveness Agenda
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce advocates for policies that help businesses create jobs and grow our economy. Building on a strong legacy of trust and track record of success, they help today’s businesses start, grow, and thrive in a complex and constantly changing macro environment. They inform members with timely policy analysis and legal advice, connect them with leaders in business and government through world-class events and intimate gatherings, and equip them with tools and resources to help them succeed. Above all, they serve as an ally and champion on Capitol Hill, in the courts, in the state houses, and in markets around the world. They advocate, connect, inform, and fight for business growth and America’s success.
Learn the Issues: U.S. Chamber Hot Topics
Find Your Legislators
Simpsonville City Council

The Simpsonville City Council is composed of six council members who are elected at-large for four-year, staggered terms and the mayor who is elected at-large for a four-year term. Each member of City Council, including the mayor, has one vote in the legislation of the City.
Greenville County Council

Greenville County Council has twelve members, each elected in single member district contests for four year staggered terms.
S.C. General Assembly

The legislative power of the State of South Carolina is vested in a bicameral General Assembly comprised of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The general Assembly’s annual session begins on the second Tuesday in January and runs through the second Thursday in May. This is the SC Legislative Process.
State Senate
The South Carolina Senate consists of 46 members who are elected from single member districts of approximately 87,200 citizens. Senators must be citizens of the United States and the State of South Carolina, at least 25 years old at the time of their election, and residents of the district in which they are elected. Senators serve four year terms.
State House of Representatives
The South Carolina House of Representatives consists of 124 part-time citizen legislators elected every two years to represent our state’s 124 separate single-member districts.
U.S. General Assembly

U.S. Senate
Article I, section 3 of the Constitution requires the United States Senate to be divided into three classes for purposes of elections. Senators are elected to six-year terms, and every two years the members of one class—approximately one-third of the senators—face election or reelection.
U.S. House of Representatives
Members of the United State House of Representatives are elected to a two-year term, each serving the people of a specific congressional district by introducing bills and serving on committees, among other duties.
Voter Information
In order to vote, South Carolina law requires one must first register to vote at least 30 days prior to the election. To be eligible to register in South Carolina you MUST: be a United States citizen, be at least eighteen years old on or before the next election, be a resident of South Carolina in the county and precinct in which you are registering, not be under a court order declaring you mentally incompetent, not be confined in any public prison resulting from a conviction of a crime, have never been convicted of a felony or offense against the election laws OR if previously convicted, have served the entire sentence, including probation or parole, or have received a pardon for the conviction.
Find information for Absentee Voting, Photo ID Requirements, Election Calendar, and more on the Greenville County Election Commission website.