Leadership Golden Strip is a collaborative effort between the Fountain Inn, Greater Mauldin, and Simpsonville Area Chambers of Commerce, designed to develop and retain a knowledgeable and engaged workforce. Any interested individual who lives or works in the area is invited to apply. Membership with at least one of the three chambers is required.
Leadership Golden Strip opens doors for individuals with the desire and ability to shape the future of these vibrant communities. Through face-to-face meetings with city, county, and state leaders and on-site visits to local institutions, agencies, and organizations, participants explore the major issues and unique challenges facing the Golden Strip area.
Leadership Golden Strip supports the development of corporate and community leaders by:
- Introducing participants to aspects of developing and maintaining a vibrant community,
- Establishing dialogue with a wide range of community leaders,
- Encouraging engagement in activities which contribute to the betterment of the community,
- Providing employers with a source of knowledgeable and trained leaders who will have a positive impact on the business community.
The selection committee looks for applicants who:
- Demonstrate a passion for their community as evidenced by active involvement,
- Possess a record of achievement in community and civic activities, indicating a desire to lead,
- Possess high standards of personal quality and integrity,
- Show a dedication to commit the time required for the program, and
- If employed, have the endorsement of their employers or some indication the employer would not object to their taking time from work to participate in the program.
Class 4 Schedule
- Application Deadline: Friday, December 1, 2023
- Acceptance Notifications Sent: Friday, December 29, 2023
- Tuition Due: Friday, January 12, 2024
- Orientation: An Orientation Session will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, January 23rd and 24th. Tuesday activities include an afternoon networking session (4:00-700pm), and Wednesday will be a full day (9:00am-5:00pm). The location will be shared with accepted applicants.
- Monthly Class Sessions: Monthly sessions will be held on the fourth Wednesday of each month (exception: May session will be held on 5/29/23). Plan for these sessions to last all day (begin at 9:00am and end by 5:30pm) unless otherwise noted. Class members will be responsible for their own transportation on in-town days, but carpooling will be encouraged.
- Graduation: A formal graduation reception for Leadership Golden Strip Class 3 will be held in the late Fall of 2024. The date will be shared with the class and community as soon as possible.
- Class Project: Time outside of the monthly class sessions will be required for completion of the group service project. More information about this project will be provided during Orientation.

Participants are required to attend all monthly sessions during the LGS year. Absences could impact a class member’s graduation status; and an absence requires full approval from chamber staff. Excess absences could result in make-up work, fines, or expulsion without refund.
Dress will always be business casual, unless otherwise informed.
All information discussed in class is non-attributable. Comments and questions are encouraged during the sessions if they are in accord with the program.
Difference in opinions are encouraged. However, participants should strive to be objective and diplomatic and not argumentative. Effective leadership evaluates all sides of the issue before reaching an agreeable solution. Participants must be tolerant of views other than their own, and everyone’s opinion is to be respected.
Participants must take active responsibility for the class service project. The project is participant-driven and should benefit a charitable organization the Golden Strip community. Time outside of the monthly sessions will be required for the project. More information will be provided at the Orientation session.
A Class President, Treasurer, and Secretary will be elected during the Orientation session in January. The class can set additional officers and their roles if desired.
Class participants will be required to participate in a scheduled ride-along with one of the following departments: City Police or Fire Departments in Fountain Inn, Simpsonville, or Mauldin. Waivers and required paperwork may be required by those departments.
Class participants will be required to attend a City Council meeting or Greenville County Council meeting during their program year. The meeting schedules for all groups are available on each Council’s website.
Program Tuition - Tuition for Leadership Golden Strip is $850 for Chamber members. Chamber membership with at least one of the participating chambers is required in order for applicant to be considered. Participants will be invoiced for tuition once accepted into the program. Tuition will be due before the Orientation session in January.
Scholarships - Scholarships are currently available only for members of the Simpsonville Area Chamber of Commerce. Contact Allison McGarity for a scholarship application.
Sponsorships - Sponsorships are available for companies desiring a higher level of engagement. All sponsorships include full or partial tuition for at least one class participant.
Gold Sponsor - $5,000 (One Available) Benefits for the Gold Sponsor include recognition on all Leadership Golden Strip publications (including session agendas, website, etc.), clickable links to sponsor’s website from LGS sites, recognition and opportunity to address the class during Orientation and Graduation, opportunity to meet with class participants throughout the program year, presentation/site visit during applicable session’s agenda, list of participants with contact information, and full tuition paid for two participants (must be employees of sponsor).
Supporting Sponsor - $2,000 (Reserved by Simpsonville Rotary Club) Benefits for the Supporting Sponsor include recognition on all Leadership Golden Strip publications (including session agendas, website, etc.), clickable links to sponsor’s website from LGS sites, recognition and opportunity to address the class during Orientation, presentation/site visit during applicable session’s agenda, list of participants with contact information, and full tuition paid for one participant (must be employee of sponsor).
Session Sponsor, $1,000 (Multiple Available) Benefits for Session Sponsors include choice of session to sponsor with ability to influence the session agenda, time to address the class in the morning or during their lunch break, recognition in session’s handouts, sponsor logo and hyperlink on the Leadership Golden Strip website, recognition at the graduation ceremony, list of participants with contact information, and a $250 scholarship for one participant (must be employee of sponsor).

Allison McGarity
Simpsonville Area Chamber of Commerce
(864) 963-3781

Marnie Schwartz-Hanley
Fountain Inn Chamber of Commerce
(864) 862-2586

Pat Pomeroy
Greater Mauldin Chamber of Commerce
(864) 297-1323