LGS Class 2 Project Donation
Thank you for contributing to LGS Class 2’s Group Project!
Your tax-deductible contribution, no matter how big or small, will help Class 2’s efforts a great deal. Your donation will be processed by the Simpsonville Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation, a non-profit organization with 501c-3 designation with the Internal Revenue Service (EIN: 45-4533367).
By Check:
- Complete the donor information form linked here.
- Make your check payable to: Simpsonville Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Inc.
- Include on the memo line: LGS Class 2 Group Project
- Mail to:
Simpsonville Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Inc.
Attn: LGS Class 2 Project
100 W. Trade Street
Simpsonville, SC 29681
By Credit Card:
Credit cards will be processed through the Foundation’s Paypal account. Donors do not need a Paypal account.
- Click here to be taken to our Paypal Donation page to process your credit card payment.
- (Optional) Complete the donor information form linked here. The form is not required from credit card donors, but highly encouraged. Class 2 will use your information to send a thank you letter, donation receipt, and project-related news and updates. You can mail the form to the address noted above in the check instructions or email your completed copy to JR Humphries at jhumphries@simpsonvillechamber.com